July 2022 | Learn What Works for You!
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Learn What Works for You!

By Anthony Congelosi, Paul Congelosi Trailer Sales - July 2022

We have all heard at some point what the best method is to trailer horses. For example, some people are diehard believers that slant load is the best way to travel because they feel it reduces stress on the horses. However, the key to trailering is to recognize what your horses, and you as their owner, are comfortable with. Will you be able to load your horses one at a time, and then close them in a stall? And then when you get there, are you able to confidently release one horse at a time and have them step off the trailer? Or, is it easier for you to guide your horses straight up a ramp, and then back them off the trailer when you reach your destination? Do you need full partitions between each horse, or are half partitions better? Maybe your horses would be more comfortable in the open, stall-like atmosphere of a stock trailer?

To complicate things even more, you can also buy a straight load trailer with a ramp on the side, and then you can load the horses up the ramp on the back and off the ramp on the side. Concurrently, you could also find a trailer that is like a standard two horse straight load in the back, with a slant stall in the front and a ramp on the trailer’s side. So, as you can see, the options become almost endless.

So, if you can answer those questions one way or the other, you are able to get a pretty good idea as to what method is better for you. Before you make the investment, make sure YOU believe what you are doing is right, and that it is not simply what someone else is telling you to do.

If you have any questions about this topic or any others, feel free to e-mail Paul at info@CongelosiTrailerSales.com. Happy trailering!